Monday, June 2, 2008

Day 14- June 1th: Opera!

It's a sad day for my ipod, the headphone finally broke but it did lasted for over 2 years. Most of my friends' ipod headphones only lasted a year and half or less. I almost think the headphones self destruct after a Apple's set expired date. I went to the mall and got myself new headphones for 65 USD and they were 15 dollars more than what I would needed to pay for in the States. Oh well, I needed them.

I had to cancel dinner plan at my Hungarian chef friend's restaurant because I have purchased tickets to the Opera. He asked me to come back the next day for another free meal and how can I say no to that! He is very gracious and I got him some sunscreen and kin lotion for his 32 birthday.

The show is Csojkovszkij's Anyegin and it's a three hour long production with two intermissions. It's a beautiful production with contemporary set design and modern custom design. The opera was sang in Italian with Hungarian subtitles, so I didn't understand very much of what's going but it is one of those moments in life language is not required for communication. Three hours past by quickly and before I know it it's over.

The Opera is stunningly beautiful and the craftsmanship amazing!!! Although it's a little smaller than what I have pictured and it also made me appreciate historical theaters in Los Angeles like the Pantages, Los Angeles and the Orpheum. They are also very worldly and wonderful but their history can't compare to the Hungarian opera house.

yes, I am working on my art work in case I havn't talked about it! I am always very serective during the production phases of my work.

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